Essential oils can make a powerful addition to any health and wellness plan. Using them may provide numerous benefits for your skin, mental state, insomnia, and more. They can offer on-the-go aromatherapy, used as a natural perfume, or even sooth aches and pains.
Sleep Roller Bottle - Relax with soothing lavender, restful vetiver, and de-stress with orange
Headache Roller Bottle - Relieve tension with peppermint, ease pain with rosemary, reduce stress with lavender, and breath easy with eucalyptus
You will recieve one 10 ml roller bottle.
Herbal Roller Bottles
Sleep - Grapeseed Seed Oil*, Lavender Buds*, *, Lavender EO*, Vetiver EO, Orange 10X EO, *Organic
Headache - Grapeseed Oil, Eucalyptus Leaves*, Lavender Buds*, Peppermint EO*, Rosemary EO, Eucalyptus EO, Lavender EO*, *Organic